Recruiting participants for this kind of intensive ideation and design project can be challenging. These
sessions are usually longer and require more commitment from the participants, which can lead to higher
drop-out rates if you are not recruiting from an engaged pool of users or have a robust recruitment
process in place. Still, the advantages of partnering up with your users to include their perspective in
knowledge development, idea generation, or product development is unmatched.
What we can recruit for:
Knowledge development
Idea generation
Cognitive and context mapping
Product and service development
Paper prototyping and sketching
Early stages of data capturing, such as diary studies
Other types of co-design sessions
Why our recruitment service is different:
Two-stage screening and three-stage confirmation process
Guidance on lead time and appropriate incentives
Incentive provision
Advice on the feasibility of your brief / assistance during the brief creation stage
Advice on the feasibility of your personas
Incentive Fully GDPR-compliant process
Facility booking